The Drinking Water Quality Management Plan
The Annual Report for the Drinking Water Quality Management Plan documents the performance of Barcoo Shire Council’s drinking water service with respect to water quality and performance in implementing the actions detailed in the drinking water quality management plan (DWQMP) as required under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 (the Act).
The report assists the Regulator to determine whether the approved DWQMP and any approval conditions have been complied with and provides a mechanism for providers to report publicly on their performance in managing drinking water quality.
View the Barcoo Shire Drinking Water Quality Management Plan (DWQMP), Annual Report 2023/2024
Declared Water Service Areas
In accordance with the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008, Council has declared it's water service areas for all three towns. Areas outside of the indicated area are not considered to have access to a reticulated water service, as defined under the Act. Maps of the service areas can be found below.
Jundah Declared Water Service Area (pdf)
Stonehenge Declared Water Service Area (pdf)
Windorah Declared Water Service Area - Map 1 of 2 (pdf)
Windorah Declared Water Service Area - Map 2 of 2 (pdf)
Customer Service Standards
Council has established performance indicators for the water supply schemes for which it is registered as a service provider.
Access Council's Customer Service Standards