Barcoo Shire Photography Competition
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Barcoo Shire Health Specialist Transport Support Pilot Project
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Barcoo Shire Council and the Central West Hospital and Health Service have partnered to pilot a project to help Barcoo Shire residents access these important specialist appointments in Longreach.
Depending on the timing and nature of your specialist appointment, for day trips, we may be able to transport you from Windorah, Jundah and Stonehenge to Longreach and return at no cost.
If you have an appointment in January for any of the specialist health services in Longreach listed below, please contact Tony Klein (Barcoo Shire Council) on 0476 280 259 as early as possible and preferably with at least 2 days’ notice to determine if we can assist you with your transport needs.
Please note – when arranging any future specialist appointments, please request your timing preference as being between 10 AM and 1:30 PM if possible.
Windorah Fuel
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Current as at 23 August 2024
There is currently no unleaded fuel available in Windorah. The closest retail fuel outlet is Jundah Roadhouse. Council will provide further advice when the circumstances change.
Please note diesel is available at the Windorah Outback Shop.
Windorah Aerodrome Runway Upgrade 11 October – 15 December 2023
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*These works have now been completed*
The Barcoo Shire Council wish to advise residents that the Windorah Airport will be closed from 11 October – 15 December 2023, to undertake critical works in the upgrade of the runway. Council apologise for any inconvenience during this time. A bus service will operate between Windorah and Quilpie to coincide with flight times.
The bus will run 4 times a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) as per our general plane days. The timetable below snip is straight from the “Emergency Services Contract” between Translink (DTMR) and Council.
The RFDS (Queensland Section) will continue to service the Windorah region while the Windorah airstrip is closed for maintenance for the three months from October.
The RFDS will use the Ourdel Station airstrip to ensure both primary health care clinics and aeromedical services remain accessible for the community. Weekly clinics will remain unaffected and on schedule during this time, and aeromedical operations will continue to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Air mail and freight will continue as normal, this will now be collected off the plane in Quilpie.
In the event of wet weather, the RFDS has an alternative runway option to ensure limited disruption to services.
Wild Dog Baiting Program 30 October - 3 November 2023
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The Barcoo Shire Coordinated Wild Dog Baiting Program is being undertaken from 30 October – 3 November 2023 on properties within the Barcoo Shire. Council will be aerial baiting as well as some ground baiting during this time.
- Visitors and local community members are to be vigilant with their pets during baiting periods and take caution whilst travelling around the shire.
- 1080 baits can remain active for long periods on properties adjacent to main roads and other road networks within the Shire boundary.
- Be aware of the possibility that these baits can be transferred by wildlife from baited areas to non-baited areas such as our town commons, reserves, and road related areas.
- Please ensure you do not take your pets onto private property without first contacting the owner/manager.
For more information head to Council’s website or contact Council’s Rural Lands Support Officer Peter Pidgeon on phone: 0459 028 596 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.